
Carnegie Learning

Al Gauche
1-888-851-7094  x-461
[email protected]

Cengage Learning
Thank you for sponsoring the Friday “Coffee Break”

Dawn Bauer, Steve Korb, Jane Rodgers
[email protected] [email protected]  [email protected]


Julie Halbritter
[email protected]   

Pearson Education

Texas Instruments
…thank you for sponsoring Raffle Prizes:

Kristine Mohler[email protected]

§  TI Nspire™  Teacher bundle (software and handheld) CAS
§  TI Nspire™  Teacher bundle (software and handheld) Numeric
Also… teachers who participate in the ‘hands on’ TI-Nspire™ sessions will be given a free copy of “Learn & Earn version of TI Nspire™ Teacher software.

Wiley Higher Education

Mary Beth Chesbrough - Denise Ohngren
[email protected]  -  [email protected]

Mathematical Association of America